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Yoga Yoga Everywhere!

For those of you who have been following my blog and my newsletters, you are already well aware that I have been directing a lot of my attention towards my yoga practice as of late. I was introduced to yoga almost ten years ago, and have been practicing yoga asana and meditation since 2007. I have very much appreciated the opportunity in recent months to reinvestigate my practice through a teaching lens. And soon, the new discoveries I am making through all of that reinvestigation and will be applied!

But before I tell you what I’m up to now, let me take a moment to reflect on some of the yoga work that you may have already heard/seen me talk about. First, I want to thank everyone who participated in the naming of the online yoga project that I designed. The winning title is… Yoga People! It was wonderful to receive feedback from so many different people, and hear your thoughts on titles and on the project in general! While designing Yoga People, I found myself in the fortunate situation of being involved in several other important artistic and professional opportunities! (Stay tuned for my upcoming newsletter to learn more about what else I’m working on!) So in an attempt to honor my energetic resources, not overcommit myself, and make good use of my time, I have decided to temporarily put the Yoga People project on hold! I am still very excited about presenting it at some point, but I want to be sure that I am able to meet the project with the energy and attention that it needs.

But if you were really looking forward to practicing with me… never fear! There are several upcoming opportunities that you will have to take class with me in the Bay Area! Starting March 1st, I will be a gentle hatha class at ‘Festa in Oakland! ‘Festa is the partnership program of Manifesta Salon, which is committed to nurturing connections with the community. The owners of Manifesta and ‘Festa work to support local businesses and entrepreneurs (like myself!) and in turn provide useful and unique services and goods to their guests. I am very excited to partner with ‘Festa to offer yoga and meditation classes to the regular salon clients and other members of the community. Inspired by my teachers at Dharma Yoga (Austin, Texas), I aim to create a yoga experience that allows us self reflect, cultivate inward and outward love and peace, practice mindfulness, and be still. And at the center of these classes will be joy, laughter and play! Find out more info about the my classes under my yoga page!

Next month I will also begin teaching yoga classes at the Stonestown Family YMCA in San Francisco! Keep an eye out on my website for my teaching schedule at the Y! And hopefully I’ll see on the map soon!

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