creative statement
Art builds our capacity for imagination.
Our capacity for imagination changes the world.
I am interested in creating work that stretches people’s ability to imagine and dream. In that space the performer and witness move toward a personal and collective liberation from external and internal oppressions.
Leigh Robbie Gaymon-Jones (she/her) is a people-centered creative -- she is a mover, a maker, an educator, and a grower. She is committed to ecology and land-based movements, and has worked in sustainable food systems for a decade. She has facilitated learning experiences with all ages and in many subjects -- from pre school to adult ed, from creative movement to farming to liberatory personal practices. As Founder & Creative Director of The Nest, a creative studio and gathering space, Leigh Robbie is excited about the places where function meets beauty, form meets magic, and possibilities emerge.
Leigh is inspired by human connection and human capacity.
My artistic practice is inspired by so many wonderful people, interesting ideas, magnificent sounds and wondrous moments that it is hard to keep track of it all. But here is an attempt of sorts.
I invite you into this log of my current inspirations and thoughts.
This is a humble note of gratitude to many of the artists, teachers, and spiritual guides who continue to help me understand myself and connect with the world around me.